Coordinates Set 3

The Coordinates Set is About the Level 3.
Play the 3rd Level of the Coordinates Set game and answer all the questions.
Coordinates Set 3 is an online game that helps children learn to use a grid map to locate points and understand the relationship between x and y Coordinates. Players are presented with a grid map and a set of coordinates In this game. The aim of this exercise is to find The point on The grid that corresponds to The given coordinates. Players improve their ability to locate points in a grid As they play the game to determine the relation between the x-coordinates and the y-coordinates. The game is engaging and fun with colorful graphics and challenging levels which motivate The kids to keep playing and learning.
The game is appropriate for children of all ages and abilities. It’s an excellent tool for educators and parents who want to supplement their children’s math education with fun and engaging activities that reinforce important concepts. It is a great choice for kids who are just starting to learn about grids and Coordinates as well as for more advanced students who want to improve their skills and challenge themselves With increasingly difficult levels.
Start from the beginning.Set of Coordinates.There is a.