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We have a pizza for 4 people. How much percent of pizza each people can get? The answer is 25%, but how do we calculate percentages? Let’s learn now.

Percentage is a way of representing a number as a fraction of 100. It is used to express a part of a whole in terms of a percentage. The symbol for percentage is %. Percentages are used in a wide range of fields such as business, finance, and mathematics.

To calculate a percentage, we need to divide the part by the whole and multiply the result by 100. For example, if there are 20 boys and 30 girls in a class, we can find the percentage of boys by dividing the number of boys by the total number of students, which is 50. This gives us 0.4. Multiplying 0.4 by 100 gives us 40%, so we can say that 40% of the class are boys.

Percentages are also used to calculate discounts, markups, and taxes. For example, if an item is on sale for 20% off its original price of $50, we can calculate the sale price by finding 20% of $50, which is $10. We can then subtract $10 from the original price to get the sale price of $40.

Another common use of percentages is in expressing change. For example, if a stock price has increased from $100 to $120, we can calculate the percentage increase by finding the difference between the new and old prices, which is $20. We can then divide $20 by the old price of $100 to get 0.2. Multiplying 0.2 by 100 gives us 20%, so we can say that the stock price has increased by 20%.

In summary, percentages are a useful way to express a part of a whole in terms of 100. They are used in a wide range of fields to calculate discounts, markups, taxes, and to express changes.

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